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How Much Weight of Snow Can Your Roof Handle?

One of our carriers mentioned this topic the other day on LinkedIn and it got us thinking. Do our clients understand how much weight their roofs can hold? This will be very important in the winter months if we get heavy snow. Understanding how much weight (snow) your roof can handle can decrease the risk of damages and having to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. While it sounds like it would be a very difficult and mathematical task, don’t stress out yet, because it’s very easy to determine. Ok, so here we go. First, every roof is designed to handle about 20 lbs/square inch. Now, we must understand how to calculate how much snow is on the roof to determine how much weight is on it. The density of snow is important here. However, a rough guess will do. Here are the densities of snow and you can determine which one you think is most likely to be on your roof.

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Auto Insurance Trend Predictions for 2024

Well, it’s officially 2024! Happy New Year! People are already out there making their predictions on what this year will bring to the insurance industry. As for car insurance, the outlook might be a little grimmer than we expected. Since the end of 2023, auto insurance rates have slowly been on the rise so this could be an indicator of what’s to come this year as they are expected to continue to go up. The reason for this is simple—inflation.

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All Treats & NO Tricks This Halloween!

Trick or treat. Smell my… We all know the saying. Halloween can be an enjoyable time for kids and adults alike. It’s a time when we all get to dress up, eat some candy, play some games, etc. but it can also be a time when tricks become an issue for homeowners. Halloween is a time of home vandalism pranks. While most are harmless, some can be damaging to your home. It’s important to have good homeowner’s policies that will cover the costs to repair them. Some common vandalism pranks include:

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