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Insurance Claims That Rise in the Fall

Fall will officially be here this week and while we have the soup weather, the holidays, and the times spent with family and friends, it’s also a time when insurance claims tend to increase. This week we will be covering a lot of these on our social media channels to raise awareness on ways to help prevent having to file a claim with your insurance company. However, here we will go into further detail on each. Here is a list of claims that rise in the fall.

  1. Auto animal collisions: Fall and spring are peak times for animal collisions during the hours of 6-9 p.m. because of difficulty seeing. Make sure to use your brights and if you do see an animal on the side of the road use your horn. Obey the speed limits and keep your eyes peeled. However, if you do hit something lean toward your door. They tend to smash the windshield when hit and this can save potentially your life.

  2. Auto theft: This makes sense as holidays are approaching and a lot of people are out holiday shopping with valuables in the car. If you are holiday shopping make sure you put all items in the trunk and out of view. Park in well-lit areas and remember where you parked.

  3. Auto parking lot fender benders: Holiday seasons are peak times for lots of shopping. This means packed parking lots with people on the go. Make sure to drive slowly and stay aware. Respect the pedestrians, use your eyes, mirrors, and cameras. When parking, pick spaces that seem easy to get in and out of or farther away from the door. If possible back into the space so when you leave you can drive out forward.

  4. Rear-end accidents: Rear-end crashes are the most common. They are typically caused by distracted driving, speeding, traffic, and aggressive driving. So, pay attention, drive the speed limit, and don’t tailgate. Tailgating won’t make them go any faster anyway.

  5. Auto snow & ice accidents: Temperatures are dropping now and the roads become a little more dangerous with wet leaves and morning ice. Check the air in your tires, the quality of the tires, and your wiper blades. If you do skid, do not jerk the wheel. Ride it out and do not hit the brakes. Make sure not to use cruise control if the roads are bad.

  6. Home thefts: Farmers Insurance found that home theft claims increased by 25% by the end of the year. Again, this makes sense. Let’s not forget Home Alone. Investing in a good home security system can lower your insurance rates and keep you safer. Install motion lighting and reinforce window locks. Make sure to be low-key when you leave town for the holidays as well and have neighbors check in for you.

  7. Home fire & smoke: Fire and smoke claims increase likely because people spend more time inside and cook at home more. Make sure your smoke alarms are working and check your kitchen appliances for electrical issues. If there is a bad fire, know where your extinguisher is and have an escape route for the family.

  8. Home water damage and freezing: It starts getting colder in the fall and pipes can potentially freeze. Here are some great tips to protect, prevent, and thaw pipes from The American Red Cross. You can find a lot of other great resources on their site for home and auto protection.

We know this is a lot but knowing the reasons for why these claims rise can help you prevent having to file one. Happy Fall!