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How to Choose Quality Pet Food

You go to the store to buy some food for your dog. You get there and realize there are so many options. You’re not sure how to choose the one that’s best for your pet. We get it. It can be confusing. Keeping your pet as healthy as possible to avoid vet visits is the goal for all of us. Choosing a good pet food contributes to the overall health of your pet. While we always suggest having an insurance policy for your pet, it’s better to not have any unwanted emergencies pop up. Here are some of our tips on how to choose quality food for your pet to keep them as healthy and fit as possible.

First, there are a couple of things to look for….

  1. What to look for in a brand: This is a little more in-depth than we realize some of you are willing to go. However, it can be a way for those of you that already know what to look for on the labels and want to dive a little deeper on the subject.

    1. Do they use a nutritionist and what are their qualifications?

    2. Who helped create the food?

    3. What is their process of quality control for ingredients and completed food?

    4. What kind of research studies have they used and are they peer-reviewed?

  2. What to look for on the label:

    1. Is the food a complete diet?

    2. Does it meet the standard nutritional needs of your pet?

    3. How many calories per gram?

    4. Who makes the food?

    5. Is their contact information easily accessible?

You can always reach out to your local vet as well and get their expert opinion on what foods they recommend for pets such as yours. It’s important to understand that you can’t always trust everything you read online. We recommend doing your own research but make sure that information matches what the qualified professionals are saying too.