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Ways to Prevent Drunk Driving During the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season can be an enjoyable time catching up with loved ones but it’s also the time of year when it can be the most dangerous on the roads. That said, it’s never a good idea to drive after having too much holiday cheer (wink wink), no matter how many you have had. Here are some tips to stay safe on the roads during this season.

  1. Plan for transportation ahead of time if you plan on drinking

  2. if someone looks intoxicated on the road, stay away from them

  3. Avoid driving at risky times, which is between midnight and 3 am

  4. Only drive sober

Being responsible and making good choices is important when it affects others’ lives. The holiday season is full of cheer so let’s all do our part to ensure the roads remain safe so everyone can continue to enjoy this time of year. Bottom line. Don’t drink and drive.